Budi dio naše mreže

Majka petero djece, Leah Darrow, suprotstavila se Hollywoodu i govoru glumice Michelle Williams o pobačaju te pozvala žene diljem svijeta da svjedoče o ljepoti života. ''Žene zaslužuju bolje od onoga što današnja kultura nudi!“, poručuje.

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Nakon što je američka glumica Michelle Williams na dodjeli nagrada ”Zlatni globus” u svome govoru zahvalila Bogu za pobačaj, kojeg smatra razlogom zašto je njena karijera mogla napredovati, majka petero djece Leah Darrow je na Instagramu podijelila svoje svjedočanstvo o vrijednosti života, neposredno prije rođenja svog petog djeteta, Valor Joseph.

Spremam se roditi dijete koje me neće kočiti u mom profesionalnom rastu, nego će me upravo on učiniti boljom osobom.

”Jedna od najokrutnijih laži koje nam Zli želi smjestiti jest da mi žene nismo dovoljno hrabre ili snažne da učinimo ono na što nas Gospodin poziva kada donosimo novi život na ovaj svijet”, napisala je Darrow. Uz to, snimila se iz bolnice, nekoliko sati prije rođenja svog sina, s porukom za sve žene, pogotovo za one koje još nisu imale djecu ili su pod utjecajem društva koji govori razne stvari o rađanju, ženama, djeci i izboru.

Djeca nas ne zadržavaju od naših snova!

”Nisam planirala ovo učiniti ni reći, no na srcu mi je, stoga ću to podijeliti s vama (…) Djeca nas ne zadržavaju od naših snova! Spremam se roditi dijete koje me neće kočiti u mom profesionalnom rastu, nego će me upravo on učiniti boljom osobom. I to mi je takva čast, tako sam uzbuđena, jedva čekam imati ovo dijete!”

Istaknula je kako treba postojati više govora o hrabrim i snažnim ženama, o onima koje znaju da djeca ne oduzimaju život, već ga čine boljim. Stoga je pozvala sve majke da uz hešteg: #babiesanddreams (eng. djeca i snovi), na društvenim mrežama podijele svoja svjedočanstva o tome kako su im njihova djeca pomogla da postanu bolje osobe.


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Well, this for sure wasn’t planned but I felt called to share so here’s the truth… New life never keeps us from our dreams. One of the cruelest lies that the Devil tells women is that we aren’t brave or strong enough to do what God invites us into when we bring life into the world. New life is always a gift. And I’m humbled that I get to receive this new life AND live out the *abundant* life the Lord created me for. Please share this message with the ladies in your life because women deserve a better narrative than what the culture gives us. We deserve to believe that life really *can* be this good, and that receiving new life is always, always, always pure gift. I’m lifting you up through this labor and please pray for me!! Can’t wait to have this baby!! 👶💖 #prolife #CatholicWomanhood #mama #babyscoming #michellewilliams #goldenglobes2020 #goldenglobes2019 #acceptancespeech

Objavu dijeli Leah Darrow (@leah.darrow)


”Da nije mojih petero djece, nikad ne bih započela odnos s Bogom. Što znači da nikad ne bih započela svoj blog. Moja karijera napreduje ZBOG moje djece!”, poručila je @thecatholicmilitarywife.

Trebamo se prestati cjenkati s Bogom i početi mu vjerovati!

”Ovo nije neka ušećerena priča. Zatrudnjela sam sam prvi put samo mjesec dana nakon što smo se suprug i ja vjenčali, s 23 godine. Bila sam u takvom strahu! Rasplakala sam se kada mi je liječnik to rekao. Nisu bili naši planovi, no Božji su puno bolji! S našim blizancima također smo se iznenadili. Ali ponovo smo vjerovali Bogu! Moj četvrti sin je došao u trenutku kada smo se suprug i ja vraćali u rodni kraj bez ijednog penija. Bebica broj pet nam je objavila da dolazi dva tjedna prije nego što je moj suprug trebao otići na vojni premještaj. Ne postoji savršen trenutak za imati djecu! No Bog je pozvao svako ovo dijete u život s planom za njega, stoga trebamo se prestati cjenkati s Bogom i početi mu vjerovati!“.



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My #babiesanddreams story: if it weren’t for my five precious children, I never would’ve began a relationship with God. Which means I never would’ve began my blog. Which means I never would’ve been featured on @blessedisshe__ or become a @catholicmomcommunity regular contributor. My career is growing BECAUSE of my children! I never would’ve began writing my own book on my personal conversion; I never would have began my very own business at @the_faithfulfarmhouse . – – – This isn’t a cupcakes and rainbows story either. I became pregnant only 1 month after my husband and I got married, newly 23 years old. I was absolutely terrified! I cried when I was told I was pregnant by the doctor. But I trusted God. It surely wasn’t our plans, but His plans were SO much better! With our twins, having not one but two in there was another huge surprise. But again, I trusted God! Baby boy #4 came when my husband had gotten out of active duty and we moved back home and barely had a penny to our name. That was also terrifying! And baby girl, our 5th child, made her presence known two weeks before my husband was about to leave on his 4th deployment. There is NO perfect time to have a baby! None. It’ll never happen. These children God blesses the world with each have their own purpose that He creates them for. We MUST stop playing God and trust in Him more! – – My sweet children have never once got in the way of my dreams. It’s BECAUSE of them I’m reaching my dreams! They have made my life so much richer. I look into their little eyes every day and am reenergized to reach my goals while raising them the way God has called me to. – – – My five beautiful children are the REASON for my dreams coming true! – – – Thank you @leah.darrow for sharing your #babiesanddreams story and for standing up for LIFE, motherhood, and families. – – – Photo credit to: @kimmumfordphotography, Little Box Photography, and Shannon Michelle Photography – – #prolife #leahdarrow #bissisterhood #blessedisshe #probaby #prowomanprolife #babiesanddreams

Objavu dijeli Elaine Sinnott (@thecatholicmilitarywife)


Stacey Sumereau na svom je profilu podijelila i vlastito svjedočanstvo. ”Dopustivši da se moji prioriteti usmjere prema mojoj djeci nije ubilo moje snove: nego su ih moja djeca obogatili i oblikovali. Putujem po cijeloj državi pjevajući i govoreći na tribinama, mijenjam pelene, radim podcaste za tisuće ljudi, poljubim rane da potpuno zacijele, brinem o onima koji su mi najbliži – i to je sve dio JEDNOG veličanstvenog sna”.



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My acceptance speech of two unplanned babies🏆🏆(and yes, it’s a nearly word-for-word adapted version of the narrative @michelleingridwilliams and Hollywood culture will tell): I lived a life of my own making, following my dreams of being an actress, and though I performed in 2 Broadway National Tours in 43 States and nearly every province of Canada, it couldn’t make me happy. I can stand back and look at my life and recognize God’s handwriting all over HIS timing of my children- one that He has carved with his hand, and it’s beautiful beyond my wildest dreams. And I wouldn’t have been able to do this without realizing first that all things work for the good of those who strive after God, and second without employing a woman’s right to heroically LOVE her children. To allow the scales to tip toward my children has not killed my dreams: they have enhanced and shaped them. I fly around the country to sing and speak on stages, I change diapers, I podcast to thousands, I make scrapes all better with a kiss, I nurture those closest to me, and it’s all part of ONE glorious dream. I’m concerned in our society that choice and self-determination have become higher values than love. I am grateful to live in a country founded by the principle that every person is entitled to life, but we’re at a moment in history where that right is no longer guaranteed. So, women ages 18 to 118 when it comes time to vote or do anything, don’t JUST do so in your own self-interest. It’s what the devil has been convincing us to do for years. Let’s make our world that looks more like our GOOD creator’s vision: a world that supports life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens, born and preborn. May I suggest listening to @Lindsayschlegs ‘s episode of the Called and Caffeinated podcast for more on this? Link in bio! Dear sisters, loving your children will never hold you back. ❤️

Objavu dijeli Stacey Sumereau (Jackson) (@staceysumereau)


Priča vlasnice profila @desperatefarmwives započela je prije 15 godina, kada je kao devetnaestogodišnjakinja ostala trudna. Svjedoči kako je zahvaljujući molitvama njene majke i bake uspjela izdržati početna osuđivanja, anksioznost i nagovaranja na pobačaj.

”Bila sam odlučna dokazati da moj život neće biti ‘gotov”’, napisala je. Udala se za oca djeteta te su i dalje sretni u braku i proširuju svoju obitelj, a završila je kozmetičku školu unatoč jutarnjim mučninama.

Postati majka nije smrtna kazna, već super-moć

”Nemojte vjerovati ono što današnja kultura promiče o tome da će vam djeca uništiti snove. Evo nas, čekajući rođenje našeg petog djeteta, i nisam nijednom požalila. Djeca su me osnažila. Zaista, postati majkom je u meni oslobodilo jednu snagu koju nisam znala da imam. Postati majka nije smrtna kazna, već super-moć“.



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@leah.darrow has invited moms to share their #babiesanddreams story. Here’s mine.💕 My story began about fifteen years ago when I discovered I was pregnant at nineteen years old. Not married and totally freaked out. Immediately most “friends” were horrified at the news. We were faced with the many doubts friends and some family had put on us at the time. The first friend I shared the news with asked if I was going to “keep it”. The whirlwind of anxiety and stress began and it was horrible. I couldn’t sleep because evidently my whole life was about to fall apart. Looking back I know now that it was only by the grace of God and particularly the prayers of my mother and grandmother, that I made it through that initial phase. My own determination to show the doubters my life wasn’t going to be “over” kept me moving forward. I finished Esthetician school even though the morning sickness was absolutely brutal and passed my state board exams. (My Esthetician license photo is quite something 🤢😆). The husband & I got married (still happily married!) and continued building our family. While I expected life to go one way, life took me another. But just because I was becoming a mom didn’t mean my path was cut off with big road signs exclaiming “DEAD END”. Merely, I had to turn right instead of left. For me, it meant opening my own business in my home. Yes, there have been obstacles and our path has had a few twists and turns in it, but once we learned to trust in God and hand everything over to him, did the real transformation begin. Becoming a mom did not hinder me. It did not stop me from pursuing dreams. My children have brought more joy, love & laughter into my life than any career could have done. To sacrifice them out of fear wouldn’t have solved anything, it would have only fed the fear monster. Don’t believe today’s culture that says having children will get in the way of your dreams. Here we are now, awaiting the birth of our 5th child and I have never had a single regret. Having children has 💯 EMPOWERED me. TRULY, being a mother released a force inside I didn’t know I had. Becoming a mom is not a death sentence, it is a super power.

Objavu dijeli R O B Y N (@desperatefarmwives)


Leah Darrow je nekoliko dana nakon njene objave zahvalila svima koji su podijelili svoja iskustva te je zaključila kako želi vidjeti još majki kako pokazuju svijetu da djeca i snovi uvijek pripadaju zajedno.

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